Harmonious Musical Journeys Await

Discover the transformative power of music. Join us in creating unity and harmony through communal singing.

Our Offerings

Experience our diverse range of services designed to elevate vibrations and foster connections.


Singing Circles

Soulful singing circles for deep connection and healing through music.


Cacao Ceremonies

Immerse in the rich experience of cacao ceremonies for spiritual growth and joy.


Concerts and Workshops

Elevate your spirit at our concerts showcasing original compositions and rhythms.

Transform Your Soul Through Music

Our Story

Latający Dywan is a soulful music duo specializing in singing circles, cacao ceremonies, concerts, and workshops.

Our Unique Value

Experience the magic of our offerings that promote love, peace, and community through music.

Elevated Vibrations

Our music and ceremonies create a space of high vibrations nurturing inner peace.

Community Unity

Join a loving community where music fosters connections and celebrates diversity.

Customer Voices

Discover what our beloved audience has to say about their experiences with us.

Explore More

Join our community to experience the magic of music and elevate your spiritual journey

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